Monday, October 29, 2018

Hello Everyone! 

It has been another good week! 
Elder Reynolds and I were doing companionship study outside of a butchery and then a guy came and sat down next to us, so we started talking to him. Turns out, all he wanted to do was bash with us. In the end, he pulled out 2 small books and gave them to us and he told us if we found any doctrine in it that was not in the bible to burn it. That night when we got back to the boarding we were reading in them and guess what we found haha! False doctrine, so you know what we did? We burned them haha! This week has been another powerful week! We found another 18 people so I am super happy about that! We have been working hard! And I am seeing the blessings come from it! I hope you all have a great week! 
Love Ya, 

Yeah, I am definitely still trying to learn the language. The mission is English and all of the lessons are done in English, so if you want to learn the language you have to do it on your own time. It has been fun though, to be able to learn some of the words and stuff. The lessons are going well. I think I have figured out a little better how I like to teach. There is no Halloween here, but Elder Reynolds and I might talk to the Bishop and set up like a trunk or treat, haha. 
But yeah, I am safe, thank you! And very happy! Yeah, we exercise in the mornings. There is not a lot of exercises I know how to do, but I do something ha-ha.
          Today we are going to be hanging out with one of our fellowshippers . He leaves                   for his mission on Thursday, so he wanted to do something fun with us. 
         He is going to Zimbabwe.  Yeah, we do our laundry in our boarding mostly on P -Day,           but sometimes during the week if needed.  To keep our collars looking nice we use               this green bar called sunlight.


Monday, October 22, 2018

Okay, Sorry guys if this is a short email, I don't have too much time today. But, it sounds like you want to hear more about the South African Culture. So I will do my best to talk more about it but if you have more questions let me know.

This week Elder Reynolds and I have been killing it! This week we found 20 new people to teach! Elder Reynolds has really been helping me to grow! This week we had Zone conference so that was pretty sweet! But in my interview with the mission president, he said that there is a really big chance of me training next transfer! So, that is pretty crazy to think that I could be training just after I finish training myself ha-ha. This Sunday, Lutho received the Holy Ghost so that was awesome and next week he will be receiving the priesthood. We also had quite a few people come to church so that was exciting as well. 

Next week I will try and write more and send more pictures! 
Much Love,

Mdala Boyer

Monday, October 15, 2018


This week has been a great one. Transfers were on Wednesday and I got my new companion! His name is Elder Reynolds and he is from England. I forgot to take pictures so you will have to wait until next week to see him, haha. But he is a super funny guy and is super experienced. This is his last transfer which means I will be killing him, haha. He has already taught me so much and I have already seen so much success in our area. In just the past 3 days we have found 10 new people to teach. I am super super excited for this transfer and for more great weeks to come. 

On Sunday, we had Lutho's Baptism! It was so so powerful! Afterward, The Bishop had him come up and bear his testimony, and literally, the kid is so powerful and I am so grateful I have been able to teach him. The whole day he had such a big smile on his face! It was also super good for the other people we have been teaching to be able to see his baptism and see how the whole thing works.

This week has been a Testimony builder to me that the Lord helps us as we strive to do his work. I have seen that as we have set goals and prayed for help to accomplish them. The Lord provides a way for us. It reminds me of 1 Nephi 3:7 when it says that as we strive to keep the commandments the Lord will prepare a way for us to do so.

Hamba Gahle! Yako Tanda!

-Elder Boyer

Monday, October 8, 2018

Hello everyone!

It's been a great week! On Monday we were at the Sakati's for FHE and we had a Braii which was so cool! And we made a peach cobbler! It actually turned out pretty good!
Another thing that happened was on Saturday, I received transfer news!! I am getting a new companion named Elder Reynolds. I have never met him but Elder Allred says he is a super good missionary and a great guy! And Elder Sovereign is going to be training! I have really enjoyed being companions with Elder Allred and Elder Sovereign but I am ready to be able to just focus on my area and the people in my area. This weekend we did a lot of service too. We pulled out a whole bunch of trees and bushes at the Sakatis and also painted Sister Deliwe's house some more.
General Conference has been pretty sweet too! I don't know if it is because I am a missionary now or if this Conference has just been super powerful but I feel like I have gotten so much out of it. We have been able to watch 3 of the sessions so far, they are doing the others next week on Sunday. We have just watched them at the chapel on a projector.  I don't know which one is my favorite. They were all so so powerful. I have been feeling good no problems with health. My scripture bag is now torn pretty bad ha-ha. I probably need a new one. I don't think I can get one here but I will have to try and find out.
It has been pretty hot this week. Last week was kinda rainy but it is definitely starting to become summer. My clothes have been good! Now that it is hotter I wish I had more short sleeves though ha-ha. But, it is alright. I have been sleeping good. my bed is not the best but it is sleepable.

This week I got to try some new foods.
Umphokoqo which is maze mill mixed with amasi which is sour old milk. It was pretty nasty ha-ha.
Next, was Taki Taki's and that is chicken feet. Nails and all, haha. That one was actually pretty good!
Then I had Umqhushu which is something called  "samp and beans".

Well, I am about out of time so I will talk to you guys soon!
Sala kakuhle! Everyone! Yako tanda!
Elder Boyer

Monday, October 1, 2018

Molweni Everyone! 

This week has been a pretty solid week! We were able to get Lutho's Baptism interview done and we are now planning on having his baptism on the 14th. We had his baptism announced today at church. Also, speaking of Church, now that we are covering two wards we are going to 6 hours of church! By the end of the day my brain is so fried, ha-ha. 

This week we had a lot of lessons with a lot of new people (Oh yeah, they are called new people now not investigators) which was really nice. But, on Monday while we were at the Sakati house for FHE where we met two of Mama Sakati's nieces (Danai and Lutho) that are now living with them because their mom died. Which is super sad. But out of the blue they just said that they wanted to get Baptized which was super cool so we have started to teach them. But, in that first lesson we had with them while we were talking about the Priesthood, Danai asked if we could give her a priesthood blessing because she had been having a lot of terrible night mares about her mom and stuff. And so, of course we gave her one. It was a really awesome experience because the next time we came she said that that night she had a dream that she was with all of her classmates and she was teaching them the things that we had taught her, and she said she slept super good. And she said that it was an answer to her prayers. Super cool right!?

This week we also had the opportunity to do some service for a lady in our ward.(Sister Deliwe) We painted her house which was a first for me. Elder Allred said that it is a pretty common thing to paint peoples houses as a missionary. But, It was also nice because she fed us afterwards, ha-ha. 

They give us a copy of the Liahona each month so that has been really nice to be able to read whenever I have down time in the Boarding. 

The money actually lasts pretty good. They give us 900 rand twice a month ($63.72). On the 15th and on the 30th. It has also been nice to have a DA almost every night so that definitely helps with the money. Our P-Days are pretty busy. We usually wake up, do our usual morning routine, clean the boarding and then go email at a mall about 15 minutes from the boarding. We also do all our shopping at the mall at a store called Pick n Pay. Then, we will go eat somewhere and then go do something in the area or go play soccer with the kids in our ward. 

But again, thank you for the pictures and thank you for  sending me the family history story. I will have to try and print it off to read it or something. Also, you are the best! Thank you for your support. Sure love ya!

Elder Boyer

Monday, September 24, 2018

Hello Everyone! 

Its been great to hear from everyone! I don't have a lot to share this week but here it is.

So on Saturday we were supposed to have the baptismal interview for Lutho but we got the wrong address for where he was going to be and he wasn't answering his  phone so now hopefully we will be able to have the interview this week and he will still be able to be baptized on the 30th. 

And then Nosipiwo the other person we had on date has not been answering my phone calls or texts and has not been coming to church. We tried stopping by and when we got there the door was wide open but then all of a sudden it was shut really fast and was locked. And when we knocked nobody answered. So that has been kinda weird. 

Now that my companion is gone it has been a little stressful because I am now in charge of the MD 2 area. But it has also been good because it is making me learn faster and I am starting learn the area more. We have also been doing lots of knocking doors because a lot of our lessons fell through. 

(In the following note, Brett answers some questions I asked him)

Hey Mamma! 

Its good to hear from you too!   

Since they want us to walk around more, everyone kinda just stares at us, Ha-Ha!!  And then we start talking a little bit of Xhosa and then they smile and laugh, but sometimes they think we are fluent in Xhosa so they just start talking to us in Xhosa and we have to explain that we only speak a little. Yeah, they have everything for the most part in the grocery stores just different brands

So we live in a place called Cambridge and it is like a 30 minute drive to our area called Mdantsane. Right now, Elder Sovereign is the only one who can drive the car. Elder Allred can't because he got in an accident and they took his driving privileges. But I am going to be taking my driving test with the Zone leaders on Wednesday and then I will be able to drive. 

Yes,  I moved into their boarding when my companion left. I will have to send pictures.

The members here in Mdantsane are awesome they feed us a lot. But, Elder Allred cooks and we do the dishes for dinner.